Are you a superfan of "Teen Wolf," but sure you could outcry Allison provided the chance or be an even bigger Beacon Hills d*** than Jackson? Welp, here's your chance, so clip in those synthetic incisors and get ready for your close-up!
The people behind your favorite half-men/half-beasts are giving fans the opportunity to win a role on the show and steal a scene with either Scott or Stiles. No need to scout out an agent or register with SAG--all you have to do is go to the "Teen Wolf" Facebook page, give it the ol' thumbs-up and fill out some basic information. Once you're registered, pick one of a few offered scenes, record it as it's written and upload the masterwork to the site. Then comes the hard part: waiting.
+ Think you'll give it a shot? Tell us if you do, and let us know how it goes! And hey--when you become a big star, don't forget about that little ol' blog that knew you had it at the get-go. And remember: The contest is open to all ages--just make sure to get your parents to sign off if you're under 18.
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